Meet Dr. Raman, a dedicated Family physician whose life revolves around a steadfast mission: providing essential healthcare to rural populations in need. For the past four years, Dr. Kishor has been donating 70-80% of his salary to bring accessible, quality healthcare to underserved communities. His commitment extends beyond his duties at a government hospital, where he diligently tends to patients day in and day out. During holidays and weekends, Dr. Raman and his team ventures into remote areas, reaching out to the most underserved and vulnerable individuals, ensuring they receive the attention and treatment they deserve.
विकास वैभव, बिहार के एक आईपीएस अधिकारी हैं. वह बिहार राज्य योजना बोर्ड में सलाहकार के पद पर तैनात हैं. इससे पहले, उन्होंने गृह विभाग में विशेष सचिव, आईजी, होमगार्ड और अग्निशमन सेवा, डीआईजी, एटीएस, बिहार, डीआईजी, पूर्वी रेंज, भागलपुर, और एसपी/एसएसपी के रूप में काम किया है. विकास वैभव ने अपने गृह ज़िले बेगूसराय में ‘लेट्स इन्सपायर बिहार’ के बैनर तले जन संवाद कार्यक्रम किया था.
ज़्यदातर लोग बीमार होने के बाद डॉक्टर के पास जाते है। एक कहावत है सावधानी हटी दुर्घटना घटी। हमें पहले से ही अपने स्वास्थ्य के प्रति सतर्क रहना चाहिए। यदि हमारा ब्लडप्रेशर एवं ब्लडशुगर नियंत्रित है तो हम बहुत से जानलेवा बीमारी से बच सकते है। बिहार के गांव मे जाकर हेल्थ कैंप लगाना, लोगों को स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक करना एवं 50वें हेल्थ कैंप का महोत्सव मनाना एक बड़ी बात है। इसके लिए में डॉ रमण जी एवं उनके टीम को बधाई देता हूँ और आशा करता हूँ कि जल्द ही वो इस तरह के 100वॉ हेल्थ कैंप के आयोजन मे भी सफल हों।
I had heard many times that “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE” but for the first time, this was realized in the first year of MBBS. While studying in MBBS 1st year, a tragedy happened to me and I lost a member of my family. When I tried to find out what could have been done to save her, I realized that if the disease had been detected at an early stage(Early Diagnosis), we could have saved her. At the same time, a thought came to my mind that there would be many people like me who would have lost their loved ones due to late diagnosis. Why not do something so that the tragedy that happened to me does not happen to others?
During my MBBS internship, I saw that in the Medical Emergency Ward, many people suffered from diseases like Stroke, heart attack and kidney failure, they did not know that their problem was due to high blood pressure or Diabetes and most of the people died. seeing this strengthened my thought that I should make efforts for early diagnosis.
After completing my MBBS, Community and Family Medicine became my favourite branch. I did my MD in Community & Family Medicine from AIIMS PATNA.
Community-based healthcare is essential for the well-being of communities but there is still a critical need for proper healthcare professionals in rural areas of Bihar.
To strengthen the underserved, we have been making High-quality Free Healthcare accessible to the socio-economically Weak rural population.
We are committed to providing the greatest quality services to our beneficiaries and have taken steps to ensure this. We have a robust monitoring system in place for follow-up of chronic illness patients like diabetes and hypertension.
Our Main objective is Early Diagnosis and improving treatment adherence by providing accessible community Based Healthcare Free of expenditures